A Digital Essay by Onyango Oloo
For a country which is the economic hub of East Africa; a country envied by its neighbours for its relative peace, security and stability; a country lauded internationally for its fairly progressive constitution-Kenya continues to depict stubborn primitive tendencies when it comes to hiring and firing people, especially those positions that swirl around political personalities.
Former President Daniel arap Moi created and perfected the template. About a decade ago, Dr. Adhu Awiti was on a Nairobi bound bus which had done a quick stop over in Nakuru to enable the passengers to visit the washrooms and have a quick bite. As he completed the washroom break, he was serenaded with the news, announced over the radio, that the President had just made him a cabinet minister. Ambassador Bethwel Kiplagat was flying back to Kenya from Madagascar where he had gone to bury his mother in law. Upon landing at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, shocked relatives informed him in hushed tones that Moi had fired him as a permanent secretary in a terse statement announced over the radio.
This tradition continued in the post KANU NARC era-even after incoming President Kibaki had pledged in his inaugural address that the era of roadside pronouncements was over. Because his wife Lucy did not like a senior State House operative, Matere Keriri suddenly found himself jobless. Because he resented the fact that some of his ministers led by Raila Odinga had the temerity to campaign against the Wako Draft during the 2005 Referendum, Kibaki promptly fired them from their cabinet posts. Because he was more comfortable with his Gikuyu tribesmen around him, Kibaki shamelessly appointed the heads of the NSIS, the Central Bank and the Armed Forces without consultation and due process.
The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister, Raila Amollo Odinga, was supposed to be different, a counter point to the KANU authoritarian culture.
He knew first hand about the ignominy of arbitrary appointments and disappointments. He had been a perennial victim of high level, state connected, back room machinations and shenanigans by unscrupulous schemers, unprincipled wheelers and demented political dealers. He had led the public outcry and popular indignation when his co-principal tried to sneak in Visram, Muigai, Tobiko and Co. Ltd into the positions of Chief Justice, Attorney General and Director of Public Prosecutions. He had been the torch bearer in the clamour for the new constitutional dispensation which had strict and rigorous criteria, standards and safeguards when it came to public appointments.
Then on Thursday, August 4th 2011, Raila Odinga shocked the progressive and democratic minded contingents of this nation when he delegated one of his political functionaries to throw Miguna Miguna, probably his most ardent defender and supporter, out of the 16th Floor office in the NHIF building located in Upper Hill that Miguna occupied as the Prime Minister’s Advisor as well as Joint Secretary for Inter-Coalition Affairs.
Raila did this while safely ensconced away in Kisumu, far away from the political maelstrom he knew was brewing in the Kenyan capital.
Since it was the Prime Minister who had essentially hired Miguna Miguna (even though the actual appointment letter was signed by President Kibaki) one would have expected, at a minimum, Raila Odinga to proffer Miguna the simple courtesy of calling him or even more preferably, summoning Miguna in person and informing him to his face that he was being suspended. After all, two people who had far more serious charges of corruption during the Maize Scandal- Mohammed Isahakia and Omondi Caroli- had been offered a fig leaf as well as a face saving option of seeming to “voluntarily step aside” when they had as a matter of fact, been effectively suspended-with pay and access to their respective offices.
Those of us who have known and been in the trenches with Raila Odinga for the last thirty years supporting him steadfastly when the forces of repression, reaction and impunity were clamouring for his neck at the end of the hangman’s noose, must today condemn in the strongest terms, the shoddy way the Prime Minister has treated his former Political Advisor; we must denounce, without reservations and caveats, the lack of due process he displayed towards Miguna; we must stand up and angrily, loudly and stridently blow our firimbis while showing the Prime Minister our yellow cards for that flagrant and unnecessary foul Raila perpetrated against his stalwart full back Miguna Miguna.
Why bring down one of your star players at the exact moment when your opponents are bolstering their G 7 attack pack?
Since Agwambo is fond of soccer, I am sure he understands perfectly well what Onyango Oloo is saying.
Unwittingly, the Prime Minister is now making even some of his most ardent supporters to give a second thought to William Ruto’s constant refrain that Raila Odinga is a master of “Use and Dump” dirty tricks.
What I am saying is that even though it was the mandarins from the PM’s office-themselves throwbacks of the Moi regime- who announced to the world Miguna’s payless suspension, it is the Prime Minister himself who must take responsibility for this callous act of ingratitude.
But why was Miguna Miguna flung out of the 16th floor with the cold blooded intention of letting the prolific columnist and pugnacious political pugilist to hurtle to his premature doom?
Permanent Secretary Mohammed Isahakia and ODM Chief Whip and Gem MP Jakoyo Midiwo (who just so happens to be Raila’s cousin) have given their versions which are in the public domain and are not worth repeating here.
Miguna Miguna has given an eloquent account stating his side of the story. I posted it on the Jukwaa website and you can access it by pressing this link.
In summary, Miguna recounts his surprise at the lack of due process, defends himself against all the allegations and zeroes in on Midiwo and Isahakia as among the principal culprits who plotted his ouster.
The reasons adduced as contributing to Miguna’s abrupt fall to grass from grace are too implausible and threadbare as to withstand serious objective scrutiny.
So what really caused Miguna’s downfall?
To be quite candid, it is not a secret that many pangas have been brandished for the last couple of years, aiming at Miguna’s burly neck.
The big wigs in the PNU double decker bus have been gunning for the PM’s advisor from as far back as the December 2007 civilian coup that imposed Mwai Kibaki illegally as President for a second term.
My Facebook friend and PNU Spokesperson Moses Kuria (curiously he, like Miguna, is a former SONU student leader who once faced expulsion for his campus activism) wanted Miguna turfed out on the grounds that the former Nyando aspirant mwananchi was actually a Canadian alien.
In early 2010 a bunch of spineless ODM MPs from Nyanza, many of them former KANU life members, called a press conference to defend the dictatorship of Daniel arap Moi and denounce Miguna Miguna for criticizing the KANU despot. A victim of Moi- Immigration minister Otieno Kajwang who was expelled from the University of Nairobi in 1979- also joined the raucous anti- Miguna chorus.
Lately, the rowdy pro- Ruto ODM MPs from the Rift Valley have ratcheted their rhetoric against “The Canadian in the PM’s office” even as Miguna went on a relentless onslaught against the Ocampo Six and Ruto in particular.
KACC Chairperson PLO Lumumba, Director of Public Prosecutions Keraiko Tobiko and IIEC head honcho Isaack Hassan have tasted the iron hot ire of Miguna’s withering critiques.
But NONE of these- not Moi; not Ruto; not PLO, Tobiko or Moses Kuria twisted the dagger in Miguna’s surprised innards.
We have to turn to the last pages of Agatha Christie’s famous detective novels for an insight into the identity of the true culprits. The late British crime raconteur had a gift in keeping her abject readers in taut suspense to the very end- only to reveal the least likely person as the mastermind of the dastardly crime.
In Kiswahili there is a saying, “Kikulacho ki nguono mwako” literally meaning that what is gnawing you lurks within your garb- in other words, the ENEMY IS WITHIN.
In the last few days I have been conversing with some well placed sources within ODM itself.
One source intimated to me that:
“Your friend’s fate was sealed when he went against the party hierarchy last year. They schemed to remove him from ODM’s YES Secretariat just before the referendum even though he had played a key role in helping with the drafting and strategizing. Some of them were uncomfortable with his no compromise position when they were busy horse trading and diluting the original harmonized draft in active collusion with PNU at Naivasha. They also felt that Miguna pushed the Prime Minister to alienate the Rift Valley MPs costing ODM crucial votes in that region.”
Some of the attempted justifications of Miguna's suspension by ODM party appartchiks border on the comical.
For instance, the party's Chief Whip, Jakoyo Midiwo is quoted on page 28 of the August 6th edition of the Standard on Sunday as asserting:
"The party could not hear civil servants interfering in political affairs. The party had to impose discipline and more is coming. His actions of interfering with other autonomous departments and heads of institutions from the Speaker of the National Assembly to the Independent Interim Electoral Commission were hurting us(ODM)".
Here is a news flash for the Gem MP:
Miguna's title was POLITICAL Advisor to the Prime Minister. How could he do that without "interfering" in politics?
More immediately, Miguna Miguna was NOT an employee of the Orange Democratic Movement party. Miguna Miguna was appointed to a STATE position by President Mwai Kibaki in exactly the same manner as Prof. Kivutha Kibwana and Raphael Tuju. The letter of appointment was written by Head of Civil Service Francis Muthaura on behalf of the President. Miguna was at Job Group V (along with Francis Muthaura, Tuju and Kibwana). Job groups U and V are not governed by the PSC. Miguna could have only been suspended and fired under the same conditions and by the same authority which hired him.
Thirdly, the views Miguna expressed over the IIEC were shared by other top officials in the ODM party and therefore the fake indignation expressed by Jakoyo Midiwo is not only dishonest but galling. ODM Executive Officer is actually the one who commissioned Miguna Miguna to write the article. This was after ODM Secretary General Prof. Peter Anyang' Nyongo had sent the IIEC a letter essentially making more or less the same arguments. So the alleged "reason" cannot be Miguna's article on the IIEC published in the Star, which in any case, only bolstered ODM's position on Isaack's adamant refusal to deregister the 38 nominated councillors who had brazenly defected to UDM but still wanted to retain their ODM perks.
Jakoyo Midiwo also faulted Miguna Miguna for having the audacity to fly to the Hague when the Ocampo Six were making their first appearance before the International Criminal Court.
But here the Gem MP and ODM power broker is being deliberately mischevious, disingenous and plain malicious.
The fact of the matter is that Miguna along with Salim Lone, went to the Hague with the express permission of the Prime Minister. Their business class tickets, per diems and expenses twere covered fully by the Government of Kenya as it did for Uhuru Kenyatta, Francis Muthaura, Gen. Hussein Ali, Prof. Kivutha Kibwana, Muchemi and others.
I have stopped various people on the streets of Nairobi and asked them to comment on the Miguna saga. I have been surprised at the number of ODM supporters who welcome his departure. Their reason is less shocking: if Raila got rid of Miguna, he must have had very good reasons.
I read the front page "splash" as they call the lead story in the newspaper industry in the Sunday Express ( a paper I served as Political Editor in 2009). Writer Brian Adero reveals that:
...The suspension of Miguna Miguna and recent reshuffling of Caroli Omondi from critical assignment and dockets is part of the strategic game plan by the colourful politician going forward. To show he is fast changing his game plan for the 2012 race, Raila has been preaching peace and building bridges with his sour grape contacts in Rift Valley and making forays in Central Province after covering good ground in the Meru region and winning point men in Gitobu Imanyara, Mpuri Aburi and Maoka Maore and warming up to Mithika Linturi among others. But it is the suspension of his advisor on Coalition Affairs that sent shivers and signals that is not business as usual for Raila...According to a powerful minister from Nyanza who has been close to Raila since their days in NDP and KANU, the PM must crack the whip or else he will lose favour with his supporters who are critical to his success in the 2012 general elections. Some of the PM's close allies and confidants especially those from Nyanza whom Raila have retained are accused of being more of a liability to his 2012 and should be kicked out."Some of these people who are apparently a "liability" to the Prime Minister include James Orengo who was at the forefront of protesting Mwai Kibaki's electoral theft at the height of the 2007 civilian coup.
As the Waswahili say, " Ahsante ya punda ni mashizi." (A donkey shows its gratitude by shitting on you!).
Another highly placed source told me something surprising.
“Everyone is talking about the Kibaki Succession. But how about the Raila Succession? Raila is pushing 70 years of age. What happens if he dies or becomes incapacitated? Who takes over as leader of ODM? Some of them feared that Miguna’s high profile and closeness to Agwambo was a threat to their own political ambitions. Was Raila grooming Miguna to be his successor? You know this is how some of these people think- devoid of principle and a strategic vision grounded in ideological clarity.”
When I pressed this person to give me names, he demurred, hesitating to go on the record beyond this point apart from blurting out:
“ Who were some of the people who attended that meeting that decided to suspend Miguna? Therein lies part of your answer.”
From my own independent sources I was made to understand that there were actually TWO meetings held in the Prime Minister's office to decide the fate of Miguna Miguna and the following people were in attendance:
Jakoyo Midiwo, Oburu Odinga, James Orengo, Mohammed Isahakia, Isaack Hassan, Alfred Mutua, Francis Kimemia and Raila Odinga himself.
I do not want to be drawn into speculating whether this was a grand plot by the wider Odinga dynasty to protect the apex of the ODM party restricting it to one of their own.
It is possible that Miguna Miguna had rubbed the conservative wing of ODM the wrong way.
It is possible that on the Miguna Miguna issue, the forces of impunity closed party ranks, united in their determination to silence the former Political Advisor of the Prime Minister. This would explain the presence of Mutua and Kimemia in that meeting.
It would also explain how an intercepted text message from Miguna’s cell phone to that of the Prime Minister ended up on the newly set up blog, www. kenyaradarlive.com. The people most likely to hack into these highly secured devices are agents of the National Security Intelligence Service, the same force responsible for the confidential documents found by Miguna’s young son at the “Gate House” used by the state security assigned to “protect” Miguna at his Runda home.
Whatever the case, Raila Odinga has lost one of his most trusted and valuable allies sacrificed on the altar of political expediency. ODM has been unnecessarily weakened because of narrow and fleeting ambitions by some insecure political traders who are unlikely to add any new value to the Prime Minister’s plans to become the Fourth President. The G7 cabal must be uncorking their 15th champagne bottle.
Onyango Oloo
Nairobi, Kenya
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Nairobi, Kenya
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Onyango, how much has Miguna been throwing your way. Miguna is the most distasteful and unstrategic advisor I have know. Good riddence.
I agree with you Oloo. The Prime Minister must adress the reform movement on this. CN
The fact that Kimemia and Mutua were in the meetings makes wanna puke right now Oloo
Yet another reason why Raila will never be the president of Kenya. When it is not meant to be, it is just not meant to be.
Although I'm not a fan of Miguna, I sincerely disapprove the callous way he was fired!
NB,pls let this be confidential and anonnymous..Thank you Onyango.pls read the following to echo Esq.Migunas asertions.
I write to support Mr.Miguna miguna in his expousee of the decay at IIEC.I would like to echo his sentiments on recruitment of constituencyElection coordinators and Regional coordinators as based on 'know who' rather than 'know how' with political sycophants,M.Ps cronies,especially their employees and Girlfriends and IIEC commissioners relatives. unfairly awarded with the plum jobs.Take this xample from Eastern region;
(1)The commissioner i.e Tija Galgalo,a former principal at Isiolo Girls sec. Is Girlfriend to politician Chaffano Moku.He lobbyed for his appointment.
(2)The Regional Coordinator,Mrs Ireri is a former at Isiolo Girls sec and was 'picked' by her former Boss, Tija.
(3)Tigania west constituency coordinator,Rebecca Kobia is a former teacher at isolo Girls Sec.She was planted by Tija Galgalo albeit being over 45yrs and not a Tigania west resident as the advert required.
(4)Imenti south CEC,Festus mucheke was picked from Hon Kiraitus office where he was working as the constituency office manager and advisor.
(5)Tigania East CEC,Gikundi Ntuala was plucked from Hon Munyas office just like the south Imenti case.
(6)Imenti north CEC, mr Mbui was a staunch campaigner for Hon Muriuki. The list is endless.With such malpractices,can the IIEC Commissioners brag of efficiency?.I read in the suday Nation on the chairman saying that they will swap CECs for efficiency but i can assure you that thieves,just like the Mafia and the web i have givenwill always work in cohorts.For instance,if all M:Ps influenced picking of CECs as indicated above,then it means thatthey can influence the returning officers who will be CECs through favours of reciprocation.To Kenyans,lets rise up and avert a repeat of the 2007 violence occassioned by an innifficient ECK.For the PM to sack Mr Miguna without countercchecking the allegations against IIEC, he just courted a Hyna.lastly,the IIEC commissioners have been behaving nicely because they want re-appointment to the IEBC.But most of them are political cronies,novices in their work and pretenders.To paraphrase Mr miguna,"Issues of good gorvernance,the rule of law and constitutionalism arent things we should negotiate about:
There is blatant nepotism at the electoral commission. I was short listed for a job at the commission but what i found later was people were included in the interviews for jobs they did not apply for. Can the commission give out names of the candidates who were short listed for the commission and those who actually got the jobs.
There is a lot of nepotism at the commission.
The recruitment exercise for managers was carried out using tax payers money Can PEAT MARWICK provide the list of the short listed candidates and the Names of the managers who were appointed.
Something is very rotten at Anniversary towers.
Throw the whole lot out. We credible people to run our next election.
Miguna lacks the etiquette requisite for the position he held. He was arrogant rude and disagreeable. I have read articles by many other persons including you and none of the has the venom and malice displayed by miguna who is upossedly an advisor to the second highest offiice. Would you expect the same venom from kibutha kibwana or Isahakia?
Get real Onyango
"It is possible that on the Miguna Miguna issue, the forces of impunity closed party ranks, united in their determination to silence the former Political Advisor of the Prime Minister. This would explain the presence of Mutua and Kimemia in that meeting - OO."
Onyango you are a well known PNU spanner boy hell bent on betraying the forces of change and you will fail miserably in your plans. Ask Tuju!
My own sourcing leads me to conclude Miguna was quickly making his way, if not already there as a serious liability for Raila both within ODM and vz the outside world, especially the combined opposition against Raila, to include PNU. In fact, I have an independent source confirming what yours said about Miguna ill-advising the PM about RV. Your "Raila Succession" source is someone you should never try to source info again as he clearly has fabricated a narrative for you, based on my own verification. Several highly placed sources who would know all laughed when I tried to confirm if they have ever heard the PM discuss his own successor or if there was such a concern among ODM stalwarts. I agree with you on your analysis about Midiwo even though it was necessary to highlight the family relationship with Raila, which most people know, anyway. In sum, let me say ou have written a good article about this Miguna issue but have missed the basic principle in politics and that is, when faced with two choices, one benefiting an individual and personal relations and another benefiting more than several close individuals with the added benefit of strengthening your political objectives, the choice should be go with the latter. Politicians are faced with these choices and make the correct choice all the time. An idiot politician has yet to arise, who will make the wrong choice (benefiting one vz many and political objectives) and this partially explains why politicians are loathed by those they have been forced to "sacrifice." Raila made the right call; Miguna should immediately start working on his come-back strategy as opposed to starting to trash Raila which serves only to justify his termination while at the same time possibly making him permanently irrelevant in Kenyan politics.
I would also urge you to be mad but understand what Raila did was the right thing to do and any politician would have done the same thing. I agree with you it would have perhaps been better for Raila to give Miguna a call and tell him it was time to go but you should understand why he didn't and neither was it necessary.
To the person who called me a"well known PNU spanner boy" this is what I have to say to you:
You must be VERY YOUNG if you cannot tell the difference between DAVID Onyango Oloo and GEORGE Onyango Oloo.
Onyango Oloo
same appliea as to why OO is freezing new members from jukwaa after they register and confirm via email.
its easy to say its partial democracy @jukwaa since I registered three days ago. I am waiting for approval from a a staff member. Once an administrator has approved your account you will get access to this forum. with that in mind you should not Judge how Raila dismissed Miguna because you yourself will be dismissing people unknown to you from membership to Jukwaa as you like. its good being God, isn't it.
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