Cyprian Orina Nyamwamu is a comrade, friend and my immediate predecessor as the Secretary General of the Social Democratic Party of Kenya.
He has thrown his hat in the ring to be the next Member of Parliament for the Bomachoge constituency in Nyanza Province. The by-election is taking place on August 27, 2009.Below is his announcement making it official:
Even though he is running on a different party ticket, I am convinced that he is the best candidate in the field and if I had not registered in Makadara constituency in Nairobi, I would have certainly traveled to Ogembo to vote for him.
- Onyango Oloo
Communiqué from Mtumishi Cyprian Orina Nyamwamu to all our people in Bomachoge Constituency
This by election is for us to form a strong Bomachoge partnership for change!
We need a change from the way we have been doing things in the past.
We shall stop electing passengers to Parliament and elect a wise, humble, courageous and visionary leader for change.
We shall elect a leader who restates our Bill of Rights as guaranteed by the Constitution of the great Republic of Kenya.
We shall elect a Patriotic Kenyan who believes that all Kenyans are born equal and that all Kenyans deserve a chance.
This is why I, Mtumishi Cyprian Orina Nyamwamu
Seek your vote to represent and serve the people of Bomachoge in Parliament.
Today, 4th August 2009, I have presented my nomination papers to vie for the Bomachoge by elections on a Safina ticket.
I now humbly, tender this application to all the men, women, children and Voters of Bomachoge constituency to elect Me, Mtumishi Cyprian Orina Nyamwamu for as Member of Parliament for Bomachoge.
1. This is my application to all the voters of Bomachoge constituency:
I shall be running to become your Member of Parliament for Bomachoge on August 27, 2009. Your vote is not only for you but also for your children, your family and the whole constituency. It is a vote to end poverty in Bomachoge; Family after Family, Village after Village.
My Campaign has established committees in all the 130 polling stations. Each Polling station Committee has 20 leaders. Each polling Station Committee leader is responsible for coordinating the door to door campaigns being carried out by volunteers for my campaign. My Campaign is working to deliver for change at every polling station. This will be the opportunity for all of us Bomachoge citizens to elect wisely.
2. Kenyans, Kofi Annan, Barrack Obama and the world shall be watching.
I have a right to lead this constituency. I am a serious candidate. I am a true, courageous, proud, visionary and competent. I am a son of this constituency. I am Leader not a follower.
This by- election is at the right time, when history is on the move and Africans are taking charge of their destiny.
The whole of Kenya shall be in Bomachoge.
This is the time to put Bomachoge in the Kenyan Map by electing a tested and tried visionary leader.
3. Elect a leader with an Agenda.
We shall not allow our people to get lost again. We do not want people to regret once again after casting their ballot on August 27; we must become clear that the time for electing PASSENGERS is over. This is the time to elect a leader:
Who shall unite our people! We want the end of the DIVIDE and RULE.
Who shall wisely and courageously fight for our youth to get employment and skills.
Who shall fight for our farmers to get better incomes for their tea.
Who shall fight for our business people to access credit and markets
Who shall be trusted with our CDF and resources such as LATF
Who understands how government works.
Who understands how parliament works.
Who understands how the judiciary works.
Who understands how the provincial administration works
Who understands how Kenya works as a members of EAC, IGADD, the AU, the UN.
Who understands the National Accord and Agenda Number 4 so that we can work to end poverty, inequalities, devolve resources, strength our institutions and end the 800,000 cases piling in the courts; so that we shall punish those who sponsor killings of others like we saw in 2007/8.
We want to elect a leader not a passenger in Parliament.
We want a leader who shall Market Bomachoge in Kenya and Africa and increase investments through forming and strengthening new cooperatives, new Companies, new Business Associations, new NGOs, new Trusts and New Foundations.
We want a leader who shall fight for the Bomachoge and the Kenya we Want by fighting corruption and holding government to be account and ensuring that Goldenberg, Anglo leasing and other corruption cases are resolved and never repeated again. There are many cases of corruption in the budget such as the Kenren fertilizer company that we keep paying hundreds of millions for every year yet the fertilizer factory is NON EXISTENT! We want this corruption to stop so that people can get medicines in hospitals and roads can be built..
We want a leader who shall deliver better hospitals, better education, better roads, and better services in offices, electricity and a better environment; water and security for all of us.
We want a leader who shall fight crime.
These are the issues of this election. I know that I can deliver on this Agenda.
4. No violence no Voter bribery and vote buying.
We shall ensure that there is NO VIOLENCE and there is ZERO TOLERACE to voter buying and voter bribery. This by-election is not for people to be given money.
We must vote with our brains. This By election is for us to write the exam properly NOT to be given money. All of us must wake up on August 27 and vote wisely. We want this election to be peaceful, free and fair. We want EVERY registered voter to turn up and vote wisely.
5. My first 100 Days in office as Bomachoge MP:
5.1 Bomachoge Foundation
1) Samwel Onuko
2) Dismas Oyieko
3) Dr. Naftali Oirere
4) Eucabeth Obara
5) Joram Makori
6) Gideon Achwoga
7) Onyancha Ombongi
8) Morris Mbegera
9) Lumumba Onderi
5.2 Bomachoge Constituency Convention Assembly
3 represntatives from each polling station Shall meet every six months and its Steering committee shall meet every three months. It shall have the following working committees that shall be serving every two years:-
A. Public Administration and Security public administration chiefs, Dos, DC, DDC, Provincial administration.
• the police and police service
• Policy and legislation
• Land boards
• County, Town and municipal council administration
• security strategy
• performance monitoring and evaluation
• population policy
• family and social issues
• Culture and cultural policies
• council of elders
• arbitration and traditional conflict resolution system
B Infrastructure, And Urbanization Committee
• Communications and IT
• Transport
• Electricity and energy sources
• Special Programmes and disaster management
• Roads and bridges
• Sports stadia
• Social halls
• Markets and trading centers
C. Education, Training and Placement Committee
• Performance of public and private primary and secondary Schools
• Village polytechnics and artisan skills
• Career advice and counseling
• Colleges and university education Programme
• Human resource, personnel and career development
• Link with university students
• Job placements
• Entrepreneurship training
D. Health And Human Services Committee
• Sanitation and preventive health
• Medical services, staffing, facilities and financing
• Alcohol and drugs control and treatment services
• Maternal health
• First aid services
• Public health education
• Planned parenthood/ family planning services
• HIV AIDS control and treatment
• Social protection for the poor and vulnerable
• Persons with disabilities
E. Environmental Conservation And Renewal Committee
• Community conservation committees (CCC)in each of the sub locations
• Rivers
• Wetlands – ebirubo
• Water catchments areas
• Soil conservation
• Agro-forestry
• Environmental assessments
F. Agriculture, Livestock And Food Security Committee
• Tea sector reforms and capacity building
• Banana sector income building strategy
• Cash crops development Programme
• Nutrition farming and food security strategy
• Land use policy and incentives framework
• Livestock expansion and modernization Programme
• Agro processing
G. Investments, Commerce And Resource Mobilization Committee
• Banking services and insurance
• Cooperative sector development ( the Partnership Cooperative Development
• The Bomachoge Business Council
• Markets administration and development
• Trade insurance
• Investment support and services
H. CDF and Projects Committee
• We want this committee to be elected by the people’s delegates. If we had each polling station electing 5 delegates to the meet at each location, then each location can elect 20 delegates to the Constituency Electoral College for purposes of electing the 15 members of the CDF committees
• The Committee’s functions and roles are clearly outlined under the Act but what we now must do is to make this process more consultative, open and transparent.
I. Liaison, Policy And Dialogue Committee
• Serve as the Development Policy Think Tank or coordinate policy think
• Liaison with the KNUT , workers,
• Civil society
• Liaison with the National debates and policy processes
• Liaison with the Gusii Development forums
I will be recommending for your approval Jesse Onsando to head this committee since he has already taken up the responsibilities of representing Bomachoge constituency in the Gusii Professionals Development Forum.
J. The Bomachoge Constituency Convention Assembly Steering Committee
• Shall constitute each of the conveners and secretaries of the 9 committees, the convener of the women Convention, convener of the youth convention and convener of the Teachers and workers' representative.
• Shall meet every six months
• Shall receive reports from the MP on his performance
• Shall receive reports from each town council and county council on the
application of funds and the performance of each elected civic leader.
• Shall convene ward convention assemblies which shall receive reports of
performance of each elected and nominated councilor every four months as
outlined here in.
5.3 Elect CDF committee
Each of the 7 locations shall nominate 30 leaders making it a total of 210 leaders meeting to elect the 15 members of CDF
5.4 The Gucha Community Progress Complex
Bomachoge should urgent build a complex that shall be the engine of transformation in Bomachoge. The Complex shall house
1) The Gucha Cultural and Multi-Purpose Hall
2) School for special needs children
3) Offer High quality Civic and Conference centre and hostels
4) Diploma and certificates courses in liaison with KIM and Kenyatta
5) Farmers Training college
6) Offer Banking Halls for several banks to take advantage of the business
potential in Gucha
7) House the Bomachoge SACCO
5.5 Within 200 Days,
Institute the Adopt-a-school-Programme in all the primary and secondary schools in Bomachoge Constituency.
5.6 Hold a walk
To raise the first 5 Million shillings for a Widows and orphans programme
6. United we stand, divided we shall fall!
This by election is a blessing. It is our time to unite and stop the divide and rule tactic that has been used to fragment us and keep us poor. The way forward is for each and every one of us; kera omosweta; to be a Partner for Change.
Join the Partnership for Change and together we shall form a strong movement for change in Bomachoge and work with the rest of the nation to change our lives. When united we shall work for a better future. We shall end poverty family by family, village by village! This election is therefore about you and not about Mtumishi Nyamwamu or this politician or that. This election is the by-election of HOPE in Bomachoge.
HOPE for employment for our youth
HOPE for unity
HOPE for visionary, selfless and Courageous Leadership
HOPE for better use of CDF
HOPE for the protection and promotion of the rights of each and everyone in
HOPE for a better education for every child
HOPE for farmers to earn better incomes for their tea and other produce
HOPE for better medication
HOPE for better roads and infrastructure
HOPE for security in our homes and business premises
HOPE for electricity and water for our constituency
HOPE for a united, peaceful and prosperous Kenyan nation
So vote wisely. Make sure you vote for your life and the life of your children.
God bless you.
Your friend
Cyprian Orina Nyamwamu, Mtumishi
Partnership for Change.
To Support the Cyprian Nyamwamu Campaign:
M-PESA - 0724 226 449
To read profile and issues of the Bomachoge campaign:
The laws of development and progress require diligent, hard working, conscious and savvy leaders. Cyprian is a true agent for Change. He represents Change. I am personally convinced that he can bring forth the change that his constituents, and thus Kenya needs.The time is now!
I, too endorse him.
Arasa Mose
May I add my support for Cyprian Nyamwamu as MP for Bamachoge. Having quietly followed his career and philanthropic work, I believe Cyprian is the kind of person Kenya sorely needs. We need leaders that are courageous and not shy to be different from the current crop.
Kind regards,
Frank Mwaniki, PhD
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